Magneaseium started out as a necessity. After learning the benefits of Magnesium, I was convinced this amazing mineral really was the key to better health.

However, most of the gels and lotions on the market left my skin feeling dry and tacky. Not only that, they often needed to be washed off 30 minutes after application. Not something you have time for when juggling a busy household and 3 kids!

It was when I began training for my first half marathon that I started to search for a product containing higher concentration of magnesium, to give faster relief from my training obstacles, such as sore muscles and lactic acid build up.

Finding no such product on the market, I began to think there had to be a better solution. This lead me to work with a chemist to create a transdermal magnesium gel that absorbs quickly, is effective, moisturizes in one single step and I didn’t have to wash it off 20 minutes later. Magneaseium was born!

The results? No pain… plus extra energy to train (and keep up with the kids!).

I ran the half marathon despite being slightly overweight at the time and only training three times a week. While other fit runners collapsed in pain, I felt amazing.  I ran through the finish line tired, elated but with no body pain. Over time the daily application of Magneaseium gel had supported my body to be it’s best.

My original vision for Magneaseium was to help athletes maximize their health and athletic performance through the “miracle of magnesium”.

But after experiencing the benefits it had in soothing both my physical body, and previous stress and anxiety, Magneaseium seeks to help everyone, not just athletes, gain adequate magnesium levels, so they can live healthier, happier lives, with fully active minds and bodies.

The vision for Magneaseium is “To have no Magnesium deficiency within Humankind” to do this we need Magneaseium to be the number 1 Magnesium product on the global market.  Imagine our world with less dis-ease, better detoxification, and people moving more freely and without pain.  Come with us!
